Year 5 - Heron and Kingfisher


Heron Class

The class teacher is Miss Blondell and the teaching assistant is Mrs Wilson. 

Kingfisher Class 

The class teacher is Miss Chalk and Mrs Rumble. 

Other Members of Staff in Year 5 

The Year 5 teachers are given Preparation, Planning and Assessment (PPA) time on a Thursday afternoon and is covered by Mrs Fox and Mrs Clark. 

General Information for Parents in Year 5 

PE days - Monday and Friday every week. Please make sure that your children have both indoor and outdoor kit in school at all times. In the Spring Term we are doing gymnastics and a football inspired invasion game.

We will be discussing SRE during the Spring Term. If you have any concerns, please speak to a member of the teaching staff.

Our cloakroom areas can become quite crowded with bags, coats and uniform. Please help us to keep it tidy and to cut down the lost property by using small bags, labelling everything and only bringing in essentials. Let us know if anything goes missing, we'll do our best to help you find it.

Topic - Autumn Term 

Autumn Term : Space - Cosmic Capers 

National Curriculum Topic Coverage:

  • describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system
  • describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth
  • describe the Sun, Earth and Moon as approximately spherical bodies
  • use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky.

Space Websites:

Topic - Spring Term  

Spring Term: An Eye to the Past


Please click here for a downloadable version of the Topic Web for the Spring Term. 

Topic - Summer Topic  

Summer Term: It's not all Greek to me

National Curriculum Topic Coverage:

Pupils should be taught about:

Ancient Greece – a study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world.

Ancient Greek Websites

The Curriculum for the school can be found here.  

Useful all year:


100 Books to read in Year 5 and year 6

Please browse through this list and see how many your child can read before leaving in Year 5.

Please follow this link to see the: Reading diary questions

Please follow this link to see the: National Curriculum spelling word list for Year 5 and 6
Please follow this link to see the: National Curriculum spelling appendix Yea 1 to 6

Please follow this link to see the: Writing Targets

Please follow these links to website that may help your child with their English or GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling):

BBC Bitesize -
Grammar Monster -
Primary Games Arena -
Primary Homework Help -
Primary Interactive -



Please follow these links to website that may help your child with their maths or games that we have used in lessons:

Sumdog -
BBC Bitesize -
Factors and Multiples game on Nrich -
Multiplication songs
Times Table Games -
Countdown game -
Estimating Angles -
Coordinate Cunning -
Maths Playground -
Primary Interactive -
Hit the Coordinate Game:
Sorting Shapes - Carroll Diagram:
Sorting Shapes - Venn Diagram:
Shape Match Game:
How to use a protractor:
Learn about shapes:
Averages - Mean, Median and Mode:
Roman Numerals:
Converting Measures:

Contact Us

The Primary School, The Mardens, Ifield, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 0AQ

Mr Steve Chambers
01293 521077

Contact Us

The Nursery, The Mardens, Ifield, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 0AQ

Mrs Nichola Rea
01293 421080