Parent Information

Crawley schools working together to make schools safe and positive places for children, young people and adults. 
For all adults including staff, parents, carers, volunteers and visitors

  • Adults have a duty of care towards the children/students in school.
  • Children/students should not see or hear inappropriate conduct by adults on site. 
  • Crawley schools expect their staff not to be subject to any form of abuse for simply doing their job. 
  • In order to provide a safe and secure environment for both adults and children/students in schools, the Crawley Schools Association has developed the following Code of Conduct: 


  1. Smoking is not allowed on school premises. 
  2. Adults are expected to be appropriately dressed (staff are required to adhere to the Dress Code). 
  3. All people must follow health and safety regulations at all times to ensure the safety of themselves, pupils, staff, volunteers and visitors. 
  4. Staff, families and visitors will exercise patience, tolerance and courtesy at all times. 
  5. Crawley schools promote respect between all adults and children on school premises. As part of this, we operate a zero-tolerance policy towards negative and anti-social behaviour. 
  6. All cases of verbal and/or physical abuse or threatening behaviour will result in the offender being asked to leave and may results in a ban from the school premises and, where appropriate, prosecution under Section 3, 4 or 5 of the Public Order Act 1986. All such incidents will be logged. (Copies of the Public Order Act 1986 are available in school). 

Crawley schools are equal opportunity organisations and we will not tolerate any discrimination towards any person in our schools. 

Contact Us

The Primary School, The Mardens, Ifield, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 0AQ

Mr Steve Chambers
01293 521077

Contact Us

The Nursery, The Mardens, Ifield, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 0AQ

Mrs Nichola Rea
01293 421080